08 October, 2010

Schnoor Bros.

1234 evelyn

I love the way the last cement company preserved this when they re-paved. Too bad they didn't add their own stamp.


Andrew Alden, Oakland Geology blog said...

Wow, that is an unusual mark. The date is inside as well as outside. I have a mark from that year here and it seems to be their first year of business.

deerseason87 said...

You're right- there are hundreds of Schnoor Bros. marks in Albany but I've never seen an earlier one than 1922. They seem to have paved the majority of the city in 1922 and 1927, taking over from the Jepsen Bros., whose latest stamp (that I've found) is 1921.

writeway said...

I have Schnoor relatives from that general area and time period. Any idea how I could found out exactly who owned or worked for Schnoor Brothers?

deerseason87 said...

Hi- the only specific Schnoor I know of is Paul, who it seems started the paving company in the early 1900s and then took on his sons as "P. Schnoor and Sons." Later (in the early 1920s?) the company became "Schnoor Bros," presumably when Paul passed away or retired. You can see more examples of their work here: http://sidewalksecrets.blogspot.com/search?q=paul